Fiber Drum Replacement Logo fiber drums
Storage saving for drum bag fiber drum alternativeStacking options for drum bag fiber drum replacementRefurbishing and reuse of drum bags fiber drum replacementsEnd of life cycle options for drum bagsbrochures about the free standing drum bagContact AmeriGlobe for more information about fiber drum replacements
4-pack of drum bags ready for filling to replace fiber drums

Handling From Above or Below, You Choose


Perhaps the main reason that drum bags in general have not successfully replaced fiber drums is that traditionally they have had to be supported by the loops to be filled. This is not the case with AmeriGlobe’s FreeStanding Drum bags. Our drum bags are self-supporting. They can stand on their own to be filled using standard drum filling equipment.


Just as you can save money in many different ways with the FreeStanding Drum Bag, you can handle it many ways as well. Certainly the most common way is from the bottom using the pallet.

We also designed our drum bags to be handled from the top through the use of two handle like loops. These loops stand up for easy access using the forklift. Since the bags are small they can be handled 1, 2 or 4 at a time with a single forklift. By designing the FreeStanding Drum bags to be handled from above, they can be discharged from either the top or bottom as well.

Freight Savings

Beyond the extraordinary unit savings and space savings, our drum bags offer potential freight savings as well. A truckload of drums uses several thousand pounds of packaging. FreeStanding Drum bags weigh one twelfth of what a fiber drum weighs. This frees weight on the truck for product rather than packaging. This additional product essentially ships for free.

Call AmeriGlobe today to set up a trial.

4-Pack Ready to be Filled
four drum bags being lifted by the loops as alternative to fiber drums
Lifting 4 Drum Bags by Loops
Call (866) 264-5623 for more information
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